

Method that allows you to look at the patient's Past, Present and Future.
What to expect from a Tarot consultation? My consultations allow us to explore the now, trying to understand what in the past led the patient to their current point and what the future will be like and what their development will be like.

Energy Exchange: €50 β™₯

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A fantastic journey to our "Self", allowing us to better understand ourselves on a behavioral level and the challenges we will face in this life. It is possible for us to analyze the Progressed Map (Annual Forecasts), thus allowing us to analyze the annual challenges.

​Energy Exchange: €55​ β™₯

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Reiki is a complementary therapy performed through a gentle touch or a short distance from the patient's body, with Universal Energy channeled through the therapist to the person's body.
Reiki is a therapy that works on an emotional, mental and spiritual level.
In my therapies, Reiki is complemented with Crystals that amplify the energy channeled by the Therapist.

​Energy Exchange: €30 β™₯

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Regressive Therapy

Regressive Therapy works on unexplainable bodily symptoms, phobias and fears.
It is done by inducing relaxation of the mind using a meditative method, the patient is aware of the work that is being done.

Energy Exchange: €65 β™₯

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Therapeutic Massage and Relaxation

Therapeutic and relaxation massage consists of manually or systematically applying methodical maneuvers to body tissue, with the aim of bringing comfort and relaxation to the body and treating muscle injuries.
The touch of the maneuvers promotes effects that lead to triggering stimulating functions, thus influencing the physiological, psychological and physical states of the organism.
It also promotes increased blood and lymphatic circulation, increased flow of nutrients, thus promoting the removal of catabolic and metabolic products, resolution of edema and hematomas, stimulation of healing processes, greater tissue extensibility, pain relief, increase and improvement of joint movement, facilitating physical activity, stimulating visceral functions and promoting local and general relaxation.

Energy Exchange: €35 β™₯

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Auriculotherapy consists of diagnosing diseases through observation of the ear and treatment through the application of acupuncture needles, allowing immediate pain relief.

Around 200 diseases can be treated through Auriculotherapy, including: Headaches, Neurasthenia, Insomnia, Infertility.
Through this technique we can evaluate and treat imbalances that can cause the most varied dysfunctions or illnesses, often before they even arise.

Energy Exchange: €35 β™₯

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